March 2024
At Waymaker, we belive that everything we are given belongs to the Lord and that money is a servant to be used under His direction. We believe in the power of the tithe and that tithing causes God's blessing to fall upon all areas of our lives including our finances. We have taught on finances both in our weekly meetings and in our Bible academy and this teaching can be found by clicking on the button below. This will take you to our teaching resources - simply scroll down to find the teacher called Blessed.
Each week, offering envelopes are available and we encourage everyone who calls Waymaker Church UK their home, to talk with Carol, our finance officer to ensure that they fully understand the biblical basis for giving.

Carol Hill
Finance Officer
Carol's comments....
Thankfully, Waymaker Church UK is doing well financially, for which I praise God. We would never ask people to give to Waymaker. but if people feel led to give, then we try to make it as easy as possible for them to do so.
I’m currently sorting out the information needed for the 2023/24 Gift Aid. If you pay tax and would like to support Waymaker with Gift Aid, you simply need to complete a Gift Aid Declaration which can be accessed by clicking the button below and then attach it to an email to the church’s email address .
A Gift Aid Declaration is the giver's declaration that they wish for the church to reclaim tax on their gift and can be made for a single donation or for multiple donations and allows the government to turn each £1 of a person’s giving into £1.25
Blessed to bless is our blessing ministry. Each month, members of the Church family recommend people both from within the church and outside, who they feel need to know that people care. There is a separate fund for this to which donations are always welcome.

Blessed to be a blessing.