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Teaching Resources

Download Our Current Messages and Recent Teaching Series  Here.

This Week's Message

Dream On!

Stairway to Heaven: Part 3

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God communicates with His people in a range of different ways; one of these is through our dreams. In this week's message, learn about the scriptural basis for communication through our dreams and discover how and why God uses these to guide and lead us. 

Our current series
Stairway to Heaven
       The series so far........


We are all on a journey - an individual journey but everyone’s journey has one thing in common: we should all be moving in a forward’s direction.

In this series, be challenged about your spiritual growth and climb the stairway to heaven.​​

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It's Time For Acts - Part 3

Past Teaching Series


God created the universe by His word. He is the creator and through Him all things were created. In this new series learn about the creative power of God and how to harness it in your life



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How do you live a naturally supernatural life, day by day?

In this brand new series, we will look at the miracles of Jesus and learn how to live a naturally supernatural life

August Awakenings

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The book of Acts teaches us how Jesus lead his people through the Spirit to go out into the world and invite all nations to live under his reign. In this series, we will learn about this holy spirit power and how it applies to our lives in 2024.

Holy Fear


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The Bible has so much to teach about the holy fear of the Lord. In this brand new series, we will look in depth at this topic, discover why this is so vital and the benefits of living in reverent fear of Holy God

Wise Words

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The Bible has so much to teach about wisdom. It prizes wisdom above all else: riches, success, status.......King Solomon was honored for choosing wisdom. In this series we will look at wisdom and how it can be applied to all areas of our lives. Come to learn, to be challenged and to grow in faith.

Proverbs 24:3 AMPC

3 Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation],

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 Stepping Forward








What do you see for your life in 2024?

In this impacting and inspiring new series, discover what God says about your life and the life of the church and why we all need to see clearly to be able to step forward.

Proverbs 29:8 TM

If people can’t see what God is doing,they stumble all over themselves;

But when they attend to what he reveals,they are most blessed.​​​​​

Launch Pad

Download the complete series here

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Each of us has been created with unique giftings but we are all called to work together, using our God given gifts to build the Kingdom of God. In this brand new series, learn how to identify your giftings and discover how these can be used to fulfill your calling and God's plan for the earth.

God's Compass
Download the complete teaching series here.

All of us are on a journey - a journey that is unique to each individual. But how do we know which way to go? How do we know that we are on the right path? In this current series, learn how to hear God's voice and to follow His leading.

No Fear Here
The complete teaching series.

The Bible consistently teaches us to not be afraid and yet fear is so common amongst believers. In this practical and life giving series, learn how to live in the freedom that Jesus died to give us - a life where we can confidently say, " there is no fear here."

The Land of Yet
The complete teaching series.


The Land of Yet is a place of waiting - the time between receiving a promise and it manifesting in your life; the time from making a decision to seeing results start to show; the time from believing something to seeing it outwork in your life. The land of yet can be a challenging place, a place where hope can turn to despair and excitement to disillusionment but it is also the place where God can do his deepest work and transform you into the God you that you have always had the potential to become. 

2:20 Power
The complete teaching series.

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'There is power in the name of Jesus! The Bible tells us that “The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me” – Rom 8:11. Why is it then, that so many Christians often feel weak, overwhelmed and defeated? In this series, we are looking at some of the principles taught by Jesus, to enable us to live as the conquerors and victors that He designed us to be - a victor, reigning in life, and not a victim. This does not mean that we will never have challenges – it simply means that when those challenges come along, we will get through them as victors and not be defeated by them


The Complete Series

  • There are times in our lives, where we need to stop, pause and prayerfully consider what we are doing and why. In this exciting new series, we will look at our responses to the word of God, our attitudes and our behaviour and ask ourselves the question, Colossians 3:2 Amplified Bible 2 Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value]. Contact us... Saturday Evenings Please do contact us via the church email, phone or website and one of the leadership team will be happy to talk further with you. New to Church? Happy New Year 2023! ' "Is this time for a re-set?" Do we need to re-set ourselves and alter our default settings so that we make God's word first place in our lives and start the new year with Jesus in His rightful place as Lord of our lives? Get ready to be challenged and get ready to RE-SET!


The Complete Series

  • Moses was asked to lead a few thousand grumbling people across a desert to a promised land;

  • Mary was asked to have a baby in a very unusual way;

  • Noah was asked to build a boat when he had never seen rain;

  • Ruth left her own land and family to go with her mother in law to a land that was not her own;

  • Nehemiah was asked to re-build the walls of Jerusalem when he had no building experience;

  • David was asked to become a military leader when he had no military experience;

  • Esther was asked to intervene with a king that could cost her life;

AND YET: all these people were amazingly blessed because they stepped out of their comfort zone and followed God's direction for their lives.

They were all

S T R E T C H E D!

In this brand new series, we will look at how God is looking to stretch each of us, to enable us to fulfil the unique and amazing plan He has for our lives.


The Complete Series!

Throughout the Bible, we hear the words 'and God blessed them', but what is this blessing, who is it for and how do we receive it? In this eight part series, Blessed, learn about the Blessing of the Lord , why it is so empowering and how we can maximize it

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I Want You Wild

The Complete Series!

The highest calling on earth is for 'you' to be the 'you' that God made you to be. He isn't interested in you trying to be a weak imitation of someone else, He is interested in you living the life that he designed you to live. In this message learn about the consequences of living in 'captivity' and learn to love the 'wild' you!

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Destiny Derailers

A Complete Teaching Series from Waymaker Church UK

God has a unique plan for each and every person but so often things happen in life that try to derail our destiny. In this four part series, learn about the plan that God has for you and become aware of the things in life that can derail your destiny.

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Skeletons In The Closet

A complete teaching series from Waymaker Church UK

Everyone of us has things in our lives that we have hidden away. We may think that these are dead and buried, but, if not dealt with. these things have the potential to derail our destiny and keep us from living in the freedom which Christ died to give us. In this teaching series, we will explore what God has to say to each of us and discover more fully, the life He died to give us.

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Expect The Extra-Ordinary!

 A complete teaching series from Waymaker Church UK

We worship an extra ordinary God who wants to do extra ordinary things both in and through his people. In this exciting series, find out how you can live the extra ordinary life that God has called you to live.



A complete teaching series from Waymaker Church UK

Living the Christian life is all about allowing God to transform us into the person He has designed us to be so that we can fully live the life that He has planned for us! Did you know that God has designed us for accomplishment, engineered us for success
and endowed us with seeds of greatness Is that how you see yourself?
Through this teaching series you will discover how God teaches us to live a transformed life.


First Fruits

A compete teaching series from Waymaker Church UK

First fruits” refers to the first portion of the harvest which is given to God. The harvest can be any area of your life including your time; your talents; your finances. Download this challenging and empowering series of messages to discover what the Bible teaches about how to live a life that honours God and enables you to enjoy your best life yet!

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